Serving as Leaders in Our Mission and Ministry
Ministry doesn’t just happen on its own. There are a number of dedicated people who work “behind-the-scenes” to develop and support everything we do as a congregation. Many of them are volunteers who commit to serving on one of our teams or committees. These servant leaders come from many different backgrounds and walks of life. Their creativity, wisdom, and dedication are essential to the mission and ministry of our church.
For meeting schedules and committee contact information, please call the church office at 262-251-3830.
Scheduled meetings can also be found on the church calendar
Administrative Committees
These committees are responsible for the business, resources, and vision of the congregation. They support the congregation’s engagement in mission and ministry in the world.
Church Council
The Church Council is responsible for visioning, planning, implementing, and evaluating the ministry and mission of the local church. Council members include representatives of Administrative Committees, Ministry Teams, and Church Leadership.
Staff-Parish Relations Committee
The Staff-Parish Relations Committee is responsible for administering the relationship between pastors, staff, congregation, and the district superintendent so that the mission of the church moves forward. Members of the congregation are nominated and approved at the yearly church conference.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for guiding the Church Council on matters regarding stewardship of the congregation’s financial resources. Committee members include representatives of Administrative Committees, Church Leadership, and at-large members of the congregation who are nominated and approved at the yearly church conference.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is responsible for supervising and maintaining all property belonging to the church (e.g. grounds, equipment, investments, and resources) so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective. Members of the congregation are nominated and approved at the yearly church conference.
Committee on Nominations & Lay Development
The Committee on Nominations and Lay Development is responsible for guiding the Church Council on matters regarding leadership in the congregation and deploys persons in areas of service according to their gifts and passion. Members of the congregation are nominated and approved at the yearly church conference.
Strategy Team
The Strategy Team is responsible for guiding the Church Council on matters related to visioning and planning as well as facilitating communication among representatives of the Administrative Committees. Committee members include representatives of Administrative Committees and Church Leadership.
Financial Stewardship Team
The Financial Stewardship Team is responsible for guiding the Finance Committee and the Church Council on matters related to financial stewardship as well as planning, implementing, and evaluating the annual financial stewardship campaign. Committee members include representatives of the Finance Committee and at-large members of the congregation who are nominated and approved at the yearly church conference.
Memorials Committee
The Memorials Committee is responsible for receiving memorial gifts, reporting the status of memorial funds to the congregation and relevant persons, and providing for the use of memorial funds as requested. Members of the congregation are nominated and approved at the yearly church conference.
Ministry Teams
Ministry Teams explore ideas and programs, invite volunteers and participants, and encourage us to share in the missions and ministries of our congregation.
Children’s Ministry Team
The Children’s Ministry Team provides learning and ministry opportunities such as Sunday school, Vacation Bible School, and Club 4/5 for children in our congregation and the wider community. Team members include Children’s Ministry staff and interested members of the congregation.
Youth Ministry Team
The Youth Ministries Team provides learning and ministry opportunities such as Sunday school, youth group, and mission trips for youth in our congregation and the wider community. Team members include Youth Ministry staff and interested members of the congregation.
Intergenerational Ministry Team
The Intergenerational Ministry team provides learning and ministry opportunities such as Celebration Worship, Family Activity Nights, and the craft workshop at Breakfast with Santa that bring together people of all generations in our congregation and the wider community. Team members include Intergenerational Ministry staff and interested members of the congregation.
Outreach Ministry Team
The Outreach Ministry Team provides learning and ministry opportunities, equipping our members and facilitating relationship-building both within and beyond the walls of our church building into the wider community. Team members include interested members of the congregation.
Green Team
The Green Team provides learning and ministry opportunities, equipping our members and facilitating good stewardship of the natural world both in our congregation and the wider community. Team members include interested members of the congregation.
Marketing Ministry Team
The Marketing Ministry Team provides guidance and resources for presenting our congregation to the wider community through publications, signage, and online presence. Team members include interested members of the congregation.
Worship Ministry Team
The Worship Ministry Team enhances the worship experience by creating a meaningful sanctuary setting. Team members include interested members of the congregation.
Music Ministry Team
The Music Ministry Team enhances the worship experience by providing opportunities for music in a variety of forms. Team members include Music Ministry staff and interested members of the congregation.
Missions Ministry Team
The Missions Ministry Team provides and supports opportunities for service in our community, state, nation, and world. Team members include interested members of the congregation.
Women’s Ministry Team
The Women’s Ministry Team provides learning and ministry opportunities such as study groups, women’s events, and fellowship for women in our congregation and the wider community. Team members include interested members of the congregation.
AV Tech Team
The AV Tech Team is responsible for supervising and maintaining technology such as computers and AV equipment so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective. Team members include interested members of the congregation.
Media Team
The Media Team provides creative, relevant, and appropriate audio-visual services that support the ministries of our congregation and members of our community. Team members include Media Team technicians.