Summer Opportunities
Outdoor Summer Worship Service
Memorial Day through Fall Kick Off
May 30 through September 12 at 9 AM
Join us for outdoor worship in our parking lot at 9 AM on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. The outdoor service will replace the Sanctuary and Celebration Zoom services on those Sundays.
Communion will be served on the 2nd Sunday of the month during our outdoor services so we can enjoy together. An Intergenerational Community Quest will follow each outdoor service at 10 AM.
Communion will be served on the 2nd Sunday of the month during our outdoor services so we can enjoy together. An Intergenerational Community Quest will follow each outdoor service at 10 AM.
Please note Covid-19 regulations and inclement weather may change these plans and if need be we will post updates on the website and on Facebook.
Intergenerational Summer CQ
June 13 – September 12 at 10 AM
Intergenerational Community Quest will resume this summer twice a month following parking lot worship services on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month. You’ll be treated to interactive, hands-on activities to help you reconnect with church family. Some of the activities planned for you include flower arranging with Judy Newman, a sing-a-long with Bill and Ellen Follmann, Blessing of the Animals, and the magic of David Seebach.